Pitch Canker Task Force

Pitch canker is a fungal disease that infects many species of pine trees and Douglas-fir, but is most likely to be encountered on Monterey, Bishop, or Knobcone pines. First discovered in California in 1986. This disease continues to spread.
Signs & Symptoms
Affected trees exhibit branch end dieback and pitch flow. Typically, branches throughout the crown are affected. Trees respond to the fungus by producing resin.
Funding, position papers, Senate Bill 1712 and zone of infestation.
Decisions concerning tree removal are often complex and the following information is a general policy statement and not a substitute for on-site professional hazard tree evaluation.
Meeting Minutes
Agendas and notes from task force meetings.
Current research, Tree Notes and references on Monterey Pine and Pitch Canker.
Resource Links
Resource links to other related groups, cooperators and agencies.
Contact Us
Executive Committee: Chairman: Kim Corella, CALFIRE – Vice-Chair: Richard Cobb, Cal Poly – Secretary: Ashley Hawkins, US Forest Service – Treasurer: Steve Jones, CPFC
Native Pine Information
Information pertaining to health, ecology, managent and research on California native pine species.