Pitch Canker Task Force – Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

2020 Pitch Canker Task Force Meeting

Brendan, O'Neil and Matt Greene - Management Plan for Bishop Pine within California State Parks Sonoma-Mendocino Coast District.

Tori Norville - Surviving Against the Odds: A Silvicultural Approach to Monterey Pine Regeneration and Pitch Canker in the Ano Nuevo Native Stand.

Jason Carter - Infection of the Native California Grass, Bromus carinatus, by Fusarium circinatum, the Cause of Pitch Canker in Pines.

Matt Terzes - Disease Dynamics in Endemic Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata): The Interacting Roles of Insects, Environment, and Pathogen Incidence on Forest Health and Mortality.

Matt Richmond - Use of fixed-wing plane to acquire color infrared imagery with additional NDVI to identify dead and dying trees on Sea Ranch.

Ashley Hawkins - Permanent plot implementation along the Coast starting at Salt Point.