Pitch Canker Task Force – Legislation
Senate Bill 1712
SB 1712, introduced by Senator McPherson & Assembly Member Keeley, was signed by Governor Pete Wilson on Sept. 21, 1998. The Bill provides the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) $350,000 per year for each of the next six years, for a total of $2.1 million to address pitch canker. Specifically the funds are to be used by the Department for, but not limited to the following:- Prevent transportation of infected plant material from infested to uninfested areas.
- Establish permanent monitoring plots.
- Incorporate relevant information about pitch canker into landscape, resource management and conservation plans.
- Utilization of local, native (pitch canker resistant) seed when regenerating Monterey pine.
- Develop a broad-based public education program that increases the awareness of the general public, tree care professionals, and public officials; provides management guidelines; explains the importance of controlling pitch canker; and makes recommendations for research.